There are different therapy options for someone with ADHD. Some of these options include:
Behavioral Therapy
This type of therapy combines counseling and psychotherapy with suggestions for behavioral modification. The therapist might help you organize your school work or job work, and may help you manage your challenging emotions. Behavioral therapy can help you recognize your behavioral patterns, and make more mindful decisions before acting on your emotions. For children, behavioral therapy for ADHD might include learning how to share, interact with others, and how to wait your turn to speak. Adults may learn how to structure their schedule and establish healthy routines around work and productivity.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Meditation
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be particularly helpful for people who have ADHD. This technique helps you recognize and accept your thoughts. It teaches you how to take a mindful pause before acting on your thoughts. This can help with impulsive ADHD behaviors. CBT therapy can also help with concentration and focus. Your therapist can teach you mindfulness and meditation techniques that will help with your ADHD symptoms.
Family and Marriage Therapy
Family therapy can help families and spouses deal with the difficult relationship challenges can result from ADHD. Communication skills and problem solving skills can be worked on in these therapy sessions.